Influencer engagement is proving to be a highly effective way for brands to get recognized and recommended to a wide target audience. By partnering with popular social media users, a brand can reach a potential target group and even drive sales. However, it is very crucial to identify who you need to partner with and what kind of engagement you would need for optimum results.

At Isense PR, we can help you with:

  • Influencer identification and strategy planning – We will help you identify where your potential brand influencers are most active i.e., which social media channels are they most popular on. We will put a strategy in place for engaging them along with budgets and timelines.
  • Contacting and Contracting influencers – Depending on whether you need to engage with micro influencers with a smaller follower base or macro influencers with millions of followers, we will help negotiate the best possible deals.
  • Content creation – We will work with our resources and associates to curate interesting and engaging content and work with the influencers to populate this among followers.
  • Tracking results – We will put systems and tools in place to keep a check on progress and monitor impact. Results will be measured in terms of users reached, users engaged, qualified leads, conversions and new customers.